Free Online Sermons
We are happy to provide these free online sermons for your consideration. Feel free to open up your own Bible and follow along. Questions? Reach out to us.
Once saved, always saved?
Is it possible for a person once saved to forfeit their salvation? The Calvinistic doctrine of The Perseverance of the Saints is a hotly debated topic in theology and has been for centuries. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we examine this teaching in light of the scriptures.
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
The Bible is full of great questions -- perhaps chief among them, “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”. With this broadcast, we open the bible to begin to answer this important query.
Is Your Church Changing?
The winds of change are sweeping across the religious community… Long-standing beliefs and scriptural traditions are being abandoned to make the church more palatable to the world. Many churches of Christ are adopting practices that were long avoided, and this change has left many behind and confused. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we look at why churches change, when change is good and when it is not.